Cornerstone Architecture Incorporated

CORNERSTONE LOGO_2010-Hi Res-Revised (002)
Cornerstone Architecture 1
Cornerstone Architecture 2
Cornerstone Architecture 3
CORNERSTONE LOGO_2010-Hi Res-Revised (002)
Cornerstone Architecture 1
Cornerstone Architecture 2
Cornerstone Architecture 3

Cornerstone Architecture Incorporated


Established in 1991, Cornerstone Architecture Inc. specializes in design for elders, creating environments that support independence and social engagement. These projects include new facilities and additions/renovations to existing buildings. Clients include public and private sector organizations, as well as not-for-profit groups. As a leading firm in the London region in the area of green building design, Cornerstone’s services include an exploration of these opportunities, an evaluation of their costs and benefits, and consideration of the merits of certification under the applicable standards.  

Contact Information

Company Contact
Jenn Hardy, Strategic Assistant,
Company Contact
Richard Hammond
Toll-Free Number

Company Information

700 Richmond Street, Ste # 110 London, ON N6A 5C7
Zip/Post Code
N5A 5C7