Aroh Inc.

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Screenshot 2023-03-20 153748

Aroh Inc.


Our experience has told us that traditional ways of managing a Wayfinding project are outdated, inefficient, and much too complex. The team at Aroh has made it our mission to change how specifying, designing, and implementing a Wayfinding project are done – all with the goal of making the process more (dare we say) enjoyable, and as an added benefit, less time consuming on your part. No longer do you have to hire a Wayfinding consultant or do it yourself, then have another company do the manufacturing. Aroh takes care of it all so you don’t have to.

Contact Information

Company Contact
Mike Wheldon, President,
Toll-Free Number

Company Information

138 First Avenue West, Simcoe, ON, Canada
Zip/Post Code
N3Y 4K8
Social Information