Delco Security

ORCA Commercial Partner Details:

Delco Logo Transparent (002)

Delco Security

Delco Security creates integrated solutions for various industries 1across Canada. Our primary focus is automating the operational technology side of solutions. This includes all of the controls and subsystems that run a facility. We have a deep understanding of the IP-connected nature of these devices. Therefore, we leverage the connectivity of the IT network with an organization’s IT department. In addition, we can also improve existing technology and introduce new solutions without compromising network security requirements. We take state-of-the-art technology that is provided by trusted hardware and software providers and transform it into a well integrated system. Our superior technical talents, also known as Master System Integrators, make these solutions possible. They specialize in creating conceptual designs and projects that cater to the specific needs of the client. We have an extensive amount of experience in bringing a unique system integration solution to life while using the latest software technologies in the process.

Contact Information

Company Contact
Wingz Siu
Toll-Free Number
1(888) 244-6449

Company Information

6125 12 Street Southeast, Calgary, AB, Canada
Zip/Post Code
T2H 2K1
Social Information