Specialty Furniture
Specialty Furniture was formed to bring together specialized furniture and equipment pieces from various manufacturers that would address the varying needs in the Health Care Environment. Today’s health care environment is becoming more complex and demanding. Specialty Furniture’s collection of furniture and equipment has been specifically designed for this environment and combines superior design and functionality with quality construction and durability. All of the pieces in our collection have been carefully selected and tested to meet our exactly standards.
Contact Information
Company Contact
Dave Forte, President, daveforte@specialtyfurniture.ca
Company Contact
Peter Dennis, VP Sales, peterdennis@specialtyfurniture.ca
Company Contact
Dinh Duong, Sales Specialist, dinhduong@specialtyfurniture.ca
Toll-Free Number
1 (866) 559-5099
Fax Number
1 (866) 618-6095
Company Information
995 Southgate Drive unit 2, Guelph, ON, Canada
Zip/Post Code
N1L 0B9