Senior Living CaRES Fund
The Senior Living CaRES Fund was created to honour the extraordinary dedication of those working in the senior living sector – individuals whose passion and commitment to caring for the most vulnerable is nothing short of heroic.
Established in 2020, in response to the immense challenges facing the senior living community during the global COVID-19 pandemic, this charity stands as an enduring symbol of gratitude and recognition with the mission to create community and invest in team members to enable the best care for Canadians in senior living. Since its inception, it has distributed over $3 million in emergency financial aid and education bursaries to hundreds of workers in long-term care homes and retirement communities across Canada.
The creation and ongoing support of this charity, bolstered by operators across the senior living sector, underscores our collective dedication to a common cause. It reflects our belief that we are stronger together and that by investing in team members, we enhance their ability to provide outstanding care while also cultivating a work environment where people want to join and stay.
CaRES continues to accept financial donations and to offer emergency financial assistance and education bursaries to team members in long-term care and retirement communities.
Contact Information
Company Contact
Rebecca Scott Rawn, Executive Director,