Diversey Inc.

ORCA Commercial Partner Details:

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Diversey Inc.

Diversey’s purpose is to protect and care for people every day. Diversey has been, and always will be, a pioneer and facilitator for life. We constantly deliver revolutionary cleaning and hygiene technologies that provide total confidence to our customers across all of our global sectors, including: cleaning products, systems and services that efficiently integrate chemicals, machines and sustainability programs. This makes us unique among leading global hygiene and cleaning companies. Everything we do has our customers’ needs at its heart and is based on the belief that cleaning and hygiene are life essentials. With over 95 years of expertise, we safeguard our customers’ businesses, contributing to productivity improvements, lower total operating costs and brand protection.


Diversey is headquartered in Fort Mill, SC, USA. For more information, visit www.diversey.com or follow us on social media.

Contact Information

Company Contact
Peter Claessens
Company Contact
Fax Number
(800) 522-0111

Company Information

3755 Laird Road, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Zip/Post Code
L5L 0B3